Shopini is a multi-vendor marketplace for a Dubai based enterprise where merchants are able to list their own products and sell through the portal. The multi-vendor platform enables vendors to offer their products to the website’s visiting customers. Customers can browse products from different categories (i.e. food, clothing, accessories, electronics, kitchen, bedroom etc.) order their desired items from listed merchants and pay online to receive their ordered items.

The Challenges
Shopini wanted to bridge the gap between the merchants and consumers in Iraq, Basra. They wanted to engage customers using disparate mobile platforms and encourage the “mobile millennial” generation to shop from this app. The client wanted to create a seamless shopping experience where consumers could easily buy products at anytime, anywhere. They wanted a robust panel for vendors to manage their products, orders. inventory, intuitive product search, real-time shipment tracking, etc.

Solutions Delivered
- Multi - Vendor Marketplace
- Bilingual Platform with a Seamless User Experience
- Seamless Shopping Experience on Web & Mobile
- Smart Search forThousands of Products in Few Seconds
- Consistent Checkout Process for Customers
- Real-Time Tracking of Shipment
- Email/SMS Notifications to Merchants and Customers
- Unified Dashboard with Detailed Reporting
- Reward & Loyalty Program for Customer Buy Backs

The full integrated online multi-vendor marketplace we developed helped the client to achieve paramount growth through thousands of orders by a wide spectrum of customers on web and mobile from their large merchant base registered on the platform.

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